Military Robots of the Future : Will they replace humans? Examples | Get to know them!

armed military robot and features

In combat scenarios, robots can help support soldiers safely, reducing the number of active and deployed military personnel on the front lines, lowering the number of fallen soldiers and thus having a great advantage over their opponents.

"The best way to forecast the future is to invent it" said Alan KaIn and in the 21st century, governments are embracing this paradigm and developing robotics projects into their military systems and aerospace programs, allowing the military to operate more efficiently.

Kimberly Lawson said in her post "Robotics in Military Applications," she notes that "military robots are going to be used to keep things going with little manpower." In combat scenarios, robots can help support soldiers safely, reducing the number of active and deployed military personnel on the front lines, lowering the number of fallen soldiers and thus having a great advantage over their opponents.

What is the military robotics of the future?

The military robotics of the future can be defined as the branch of robotics which designs and builds the most advanced robots with the purpose of being used in the military field , in order to win wars with the least human losses, be efficient and automating tasks.

However, governments are spending little by little more money to generate and buy more weapons and more efficient destructive machines. And now, in addition to this, with the support of the development of technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence.

These intelligent autonomous robots are intended to be useful in various lines on the battlefield.

You will remember the famous movie Terminator!

In which the Terminator robot was the one that guarded the population from any type of crime, and its spectacular fights with futuristic robots.

Although we are far from seeing these fights, there are already shows of fighting between robots.

Examples of robotics applied to the military field

AlphaDog robot dog

It is the robot dog created by the Boston Dynamics company, and its main function is to transport any load of up to 110 kg.

Because of its dog-shaped skeleton, it can walk and run simulating a real dog with agility on any type of terrain.


M-Platform Tank

It is a small combat tank with machine guns and grenade launchers, making it ideal for accompanying soldiers in their battle advances.

Strelok robot machine gun ( Shooter )

The Strelok combat bot is a powerful and versatile piece of technology that has been dominating the battlefield since its inception. Here are some of the standout features of this formidable robot:

1. Impressive Firepower: The Strelok robot is equipped with a high-powered machine gun that can unleash precise and deadly bursts of bullets. His firepower is unmatched, allowing him to tactically dominate any combat situation.

2. Unsurpassed Mobility: Despite its robustness, this tracked robot has exceptional mobility. You can overcome obstacles and climb stairs with no problem, giving you a strategic advantage when operating on varied and challenging terrain.

3. State-of-the-art day and night vision: The Strelok robot comes with three cameras for day and night vision, ensuring clear and accurate vision at all times. Whether in bright light or low light environments, this robot can detect targets with pinpoint accuracy.

4. Quick response with motion sensors: Equipped with advanced motion sensors, the Strelok robot can quickly identify and respond to any suspicious movement in its environment. This allows you to maintain a tactical advantage by always being alert and prepared for any situation.

The Strelok robot has a weight of 203 kg and can be controlled at a distance of 20 km in open space or 5 km in urban terrain. Its speed is 4 km/h. It has two cameras, one of which is used for shooting with the 7.62mm gun. The PKM machine gun it is equipped with can rotate at +45 and -45º angles and rise at +60 and -20º.


The Strelok combat robot was first unveiled at the 2013 Nizhny Tagil fair and has been an integral part of modern warfare ever since. With its powerful machine gun, exceptional mobility, state-of-the-art day and night vision, and motion sensors, this robot offers a deadly combination for any military mission.

Packbot the best bomb disposal robot

It is the bomb disposal robot of the United States, it was designed by the iRobot company . It is remote controlled over long distances, weighs 24 lbs, is 7" wide and 27" long, with a sophisticated robotic arm with which it performs dangerous maneuvers and transports itself on almost any terrain.

PackBot was the first robot to enter the catastrophe of the twin towers , and in the catastrophe of the nuclear reactors of Fukushima in Japan (2011), product of a tsunami. Also in thousands of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan .


Nazi Germans created the first military robot called a goliar robot.

The GOLIAR ROBOT was a small tracked vehicle for low loads that is guided by remote control. It was created to carry low-altitude bombs to destroy tanks, bridges and go quickly to break enemy fronts. GOLIAR the first military robot in the second world war


Use of military robotics

  • Rescue tasks and especially in dangerous areas such as nuclear disasters.
  • Transportation of heavy or dangerous goods.
  • Reconnaissance by land or air of the battlefield
  • Deactivation of bombs or mines.

Disadvantages of military robotics

  1. Military robotics faces many problems and above all they are normative and social. So there are no laws that limit its high development that Machiavellian machines can be created .
  2. If principles are lost in wars, the robots created would be terrifying that there would be no limit to the imagination to kill .
  3. The security problem against cyber hackers that in this era is on the rise. The different opponents would be looking for a way to manage the enemy's robots so that they attack them themselves, being able to kill innocent civilians.
  4. Governments that promote its use say its purpose is to prevent soldier deaths. But let's think, what happens if the other opponent does not have the ability to use robots? It's practically an abuse.
  5. In summary, it is the strong inequality of the confrontation of a "vando" against a strong robotic armament. and inequality grows on the battlefront, so it becomes an abuse, and strikes for human rights arise.

Will the military robotics of the future replace humans?

Military robotics is a rapidly growing field, with robots used for tasks ranging from bomb disposal to surveillance and reconnaissance. However, despite these advances, robots are unlikely to completely replace humans in the near future for a number of reasons.

  1. Complex decision making: Although artificial intelligence has advanced significantly, it still cannot match the human ability to make complex decisions in changing and ambiguous situations. For example, on a battlefield, a human soldier can assess the context and make decisions based on a variety of factors that can be difficult to code in an AI program.
  2. Moral and Ethical Responsibility : There are serious ethical and moral dilemmas associated with the idea of ​​robots making life and death decisions on the battlefield. Many argue that human beings should always be in the "chain of command" to make these decisions.
  3. Technical limitations : Despite advances in robotics, there are still many tasks that robots cannot perform as effectively as humans. These include tasks that require fine manual dexterity, the ability to move over difficult terrain, or the ability to interact with people effectively.

That being said, we are likely to see an increase in the use of robots for dangerous or monotonous tasks, where they can help protect human life and improve efficiency. However, it is important to note that the development and use of military robotic technologies must be subject to international regulations and agreements to prevent abuse and ensure that they are used ethically and responsibly for the good of all humanity.