Show file extensions Windows 11: Your Guide to File Types!

show file extensions windows 11

If you're wondering how to display or hide file extensions in Windows 11, you're in luck! There are a few steps you can follow to make them visible again. Follow the instructions provided below to learn how to change the default behavior of this feature. Once you've done that, you can alter the behavior of file name extensions in Windows 11 and make them visible once more. Let's take a look!

Show file extensions windows 11

To know what type of file a file is, you need to know its extension. This is essential for security, as malware can use a similar file name to trick users into running the wrong program. Displaying file extensions is the best way to detect these malicious files, and it can also be useful when changing file types and needing to see what type of file you are accessing. To change the extension settings, follow the steps below:

  1. Open File Explorer: Click on the File Explorer icon on your taskbar, or search for "File Explorer" in the Start menu and open it.
  2. Go to the "View" Tab: Once you're in File Explorer, go to the "View" tab at the top.
  3. Show/Hide: In the "View" tab, you'll find a group called "Show/Hide".
  4. Check "File name extensions": Within that group, you'll see an option called "File name extensions." Simply check that box to display file extensions. Done!

How to hide file extensions

If you want to hide file extensions, you need to adjust the settings in File Explorer. There's an option in Windows Explorer to hide file extensions for known file types. You'll need administrator rights to change this setting. Alternatively, you can use the Command Prompt to make changes to the file extension settings for all users. To do this, you need to right-click the file, choose Properties, click the Advanced settings tab, and check the box for "Hide extensions for known file types."

Alternatively, you can also right-click on a folder and select 'Folder options.' This will open the Folder Options window. The 'View' tab is open. In the 'View' section, look for 'Hide extensions for known file types.' Uncheck the checkbox and click the 'Apply' button to apply your changes. Then, click OK to close the 'Folder Options' window.

Most people don't need to enable file extensions for every file type. However, when renaming files, it's important not to remove the file extension if it's not necessary. This will make your tasks easier and speed up your computer. Here are some tips:

"It's essential to be cautious and know file extensions to avoid opening potentially harmful files."


Every time you find yourself downloading a file, you should pause and check its extension. It's a practice that could save you from future complications. File extensions are like labels on clothing: they give you an idea of what you're dealing with.

Correctly identifying file extensions allows you to make informed decisions about whether to open, download, or even share a file. Some extensions, like .pdf or .png, are generally safe if they come from trusted sources. But others, as we mentioned earlier, such as .exe, require a more thorough review.

Knowledge is your first line of defense. Stay informed, up-to-date, and, above all, curious.


Imagine this: you've downloaded a new image editing software, and you're eager to use it. But every time you double-click an image, it opens with the default photo viewer that came with Windows. Frustrating, right? Well, with Windows 11, that can change in the blink of an eye. Keep reading below...

Change your default programs windows 11

  1. Abre el menú de inicio: Haz clic en el ícono de Windows en la esquina inferior izquierda de tu pantalla.
  2. Configuración: Entra en la opción de configuración, representada generalmente por un ícono de engranaje.
  3. Aplicaciones: Busca el menú de aplicaciones y selecciona "Aplicaciones predeterminadas".
  4. Elige tu programa: Aquí verás una lista de tipos de archivos y las aplicaciones predeterminadas asociadas. Para cambiar cualquiera de ellas, simplemente haz clic en la aplicación predeterminada y selecciona la nueva aplicación que prefieras.
  5. ¡Y listo! Ahora, cada vez que hagas doble clic en ese tipo de archivo, se abrirá con tu programa elegido.

List of file extensions

I want to show you a list. It's not just any list: it's one that details 50 common file extensions. But what would an extension be without its associated program? That's right, next to each extension, you'll find the program or type of program that usually handles that format. And, for your convenience, I've organized them alphabetically by extension. It's a useful guide, isn't it?

ExtensionAssociated Program
.3gpVideo Players (for example, VLC)
.aiAdobe Illustrator
.apkAndroid OS (for app installation)
.aviVideo Players (for example, VLC)
.bmpPaint, Image Viewers
.csvMicrosoft Excel, LibreOffice Calc
.docMicrosoft Word, LibreOffice Writer
.docxMicrosoft Word, LibreOffice Writer
.epsAdobe Illustrator, Image Viewers
.exeWindows OS (executable programs)
.flvVideo Players (for example, VLC)
.gifWeb Browsers, Image Viewers
.htm/.htmlWeb Browsers
.isoBurning or Mounting Programs (for example, Daemon Tools)
.jpeg/.jpgImage Viewers, Graphic Editors
.jsonText Editors, Web Browsers
.m4aMusic Players (for example, iTunes)
.m4vVideo Players (for example, VLC)
.mkvVideo Players (for example, VLC)
.movQuickTime, Video Players
.mp3Music Players (for example, Winamp)
.mp4Video Players (for example, VLC)
.mpeg/.mpgVideo Players (for example, VLC)
.odsLibreOffice Calc, Microsoft Excel
.odtLibreOffice Writer, Microsoft Word
.pdfAdobe Acrobat Reader, PDF Viewers
.pngImage Viewers, Graphic Editors
.pptMicrosoft PowerPoint, LibreOffice Impress
.pptxMicrosoft PowerPoint, LibreOffice Impress
.psdAdobe Photoshop
.rarWinRAR, 7-Zip
.rtfMicrosoft Word, LibreOffice Writer
.sqlDatabase Management Systems (for example, MySQL)
.svgWeb Browsers, Adobe Illustrator
.swfAdobe Flash Player
.tarTar, 7-Zip
.tif/.tiffImage Viewers, Graphic Editors
.txtNotepad, Text Editors
.wavMusic Players (for example, Windows Media Player)
.wmvVideo Players (for example, Windows Media Player)
.xlsMicrosoft Excel, LibreOffice Calc
.xlsxMicrosoft Excel, LibreOffice Calc
.xmlWeb Browsers, Text Editors
.zipWinZIP, 7-Zip


Windows 11 is not just about offering a refreshed aesthetic or innovative features. It's also about giving you the control and ability to make your computer work in your favor. So the next time you feel that an application doesn't fit your workflow, remember that you have the power to change it. Make Windows 11 your ally and optimize your computing experience!