Pepper gas Heeled shoes and their effects

zapatos con gas pimienta

There are not few women who have thought of some strategy or defense device in the eventuality of suffering a physical attack, a problem they claim in it is a recurring theme that shudders and statistics speak for themselves, in Mexico, Peru and almost all over the world, some statistics will be described below. And as a result has been designed heeled shoes with pepper spray.

Women's shoes with pepper spray heels for personal protection.

This situation led a university student, Ditza Arámburo, from the city of Puebla in Mexico, to design women's shoes that contain a pepper spray device in the heel of the shoe. This young woman in Puebla Mexico dedicated her graduation thesis as a textile designer, to the creation of a small protection device that helps this social problem that has many women worried. The designer speaks:

The social problem of gender violence, and in the search for a solution, I came up with the design of pepper spray shoes.

They are designed as a means of self-defense for women working in hazardous environments. The safety shoe was designed for this purpose. The creator of the shoe says it will help women stay safe and prevent them from becoming victims of violence. Effects and components of pepper spray This product is an aerosol, which on contact with the eyes causes strong irritation that causes us to close our eyes, tearing, nose and skin irritation and temporary loss of vision. Inputs: Pepper concentrates, chili bell pepper oils and spices.


How to wash eyes that have had contact with pepper gas?

In case of an accident or any intense damage Wash eyes and face with soap and water:

  • In this case water is of little help, it is advisable to wash with plenty of milk.
  • If you get aluminum hydroxide, combine it with water in the same volume ratio.

Statistics of attacks on women

To get an idea of the magnitude of attacks on women, according to Mexico's National Institute of Statistics and Geography, 46.5 million women over the age of 15 have faced violence of any kind at least once in their lives. In Peru, according to the National Institute of Statistics INEI, 68 out of every 100 Peruvian women have suffered physical and/or psychological and sexual attacks.

What is femicide?

It is the death of women who have suffered violence of physical force and/or psychological mistreatment, whether it is a family relationship, sexual harassment, abuse of authority or power, discrimination, among other cases, and this includes any current or past relationship with the aggressor.

Opinions against its use

There are controversies that the diffusion of this defense spray device is spread to the general public. For the attackers to know about this defense and on the contrary they are looking for women to carry it with them to use it in favor of their attacks.

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