ALPA Power : What it is, Systems and Equipment Classification and more

Procesamiento de polvos finos con tecnología ALPA Power

If you are interested in fine powder processing, ALPA Powder Tech, this article is for you. Read on to learn more about the company's products, industries and locations. There are several advantages of ALPA Powder Tech.qué es la tecnología ALPA Powder Tech

What is ALPA power?

ALPA Powder Technology is a leading manufacturer of powder processing equipment. ALPA offers comprehensive ultra-fine powder solutions to meet the diverse needs of its customers. ALPA specializes in the development of advanced technology for the production of fine powders and provides equipment, systems and accessories for powder processing. ALPA has extensive experience in the powder manufacturing process for various industries, from food and beverage to pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

ALPA solution systems

ALPA is an internationally recognized supplier of ultrafine powder solutions and has developed systems that provide:

  1. Custom ultrafine grinding
  2. Surface modification
  3. Classification of powders

Classification of specialized equipment for ultrafine powder

  1. jet mills
  2. air classifiers
  3. spray equipment

Its innovative plants and employees combine technology advanced with a dedication to wisdom.

Equipment parameters for processing fine powders

1. PSD Width at Density

The PSD width of the powder is a critical parameter that influences the layer density during additive manufacturing. In addition, it can influence the behavior of the binder jetting. For example, a wide PSD means that the powder is not evenly distributed over the build area, and this leads to inhomogeneous regions in the layer. These inhomogeneous regions have a negative effect on the layer density and thermal properties.

2. Particle Size Distribution

Particle size distribution also influences the flowability of fine powder compounds. As a result, poor flowability results in agglomeration in the powder bed, which causes porosity. In addition, fine powder composites contain higher concentrations of oxides on the particle surfaces. The latter increases the oxidation rate.

3.Effect of particle size

The effect of particle size on the compressibility of fine powders processed with AL PA Power technology is significant. This is because the spherical particles are better packed and there are fewer air inclusions, which reduces the amount of air trapped in the mixture. In addition, gas atomized H-PRE is more efficient than coarse powders and has less CBD.

Particle size also affects the flowability of fine powders. Coarse powders have a higher average flow time than fine powders, while medium powders have a lower average flow time. According to Vock et al. the average flow time of coarse powders is 16.2% higher than that of medium powders.

Brief History of ALPA Powder Tech

Founded in 2010, ALPA Powder Technology Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Shandong, China. The company has several branches around the world, including China, Taiwan and the United States. In addition to its factory, the company also offers a variety of products and services for powder manufacturers. The company's jet mills offer a variety of capabilities, including sub-micro and nano-scale pulverization. They solve problems caused by high viscous air force and product agglomeration.

ALPA Powder Tech is a famous supplier of ultrafine powder solutions in China. It is headquartered in Anqiu City, near Shanghai, with a production base of 50,000 square meters and a modern management system. The company mainly focuses on ultrafine powder milling, powder surface modification and system integration of powder engineering equipment. In the past three years, ALPA's annual production value has exceeded 200 million yuan.


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